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Artist: Matt Nathanson

The following channels include songs by Matt Nathanson

Adult Rock

More eclectic than Classic Rock, more chill than Alternative

Adult Rock: Singer Songwriter

Songcraft from Adult Rock artists

Christmas Standards

Tons of versions of classic holiday pop standards

Holiday Pop

Your favorite contemporary pop stars sing holiday music!

Non-Standard Christmas

Holiday music beyond the tried-and-true dozen songs everyone knows

Blue & White Christmas

Tons of renditions of "Blue Christmas" and "White Christmas"

Home for Christmas

Some ask ("Please Come") and some respond ("I'll Be"). Either way, you get music from Dean Martin...

Modern Christmas Classics

Iconic modern holiday songs, that have already earned the mantle of "classic"

Spice Tracks

Non-traditional holiday music styles, artists, and songs

Holiday Music: Wide Playlist

The widest playlist of holiday songs you'll find anywhere -- over 17,000 songs!

Happy New Year!

Songs for wintertime, snowfall, skating, and New Year's Eve

Top '00s Hits

Just the biggest hits of 2000-2009

Adult Rock: Best of 2013

Featuring Lorde, Lumineers, Bowie, McCartney, and Arcade Fire

HitKast Unwind

Put your stress behind you with a less intense mix of pop hits

Fifty/Fifty HitKast Holiday Blend

A 50/50 mix of today's hottest hits and music for the holidays

Unplugged: Acoustic Versions

Alternative acoustic versions of rock and pop hits, with lots from the MTV performances


Modern singer-songwriters crafting adult rock and pop songs

Acoustic Holiday

"Unplug" for the holidays with toned-down acoustic takes on holiday cheer

One Song Radio: "Christmas Time Is Here"

A favorite song from "A Charlie Brown Christmas," performed by a plethora of artists

One Song Radio: "Blue Christmas"

Featuring dozens of different versions of Elvis Presley's beloved 1957 hit

One Song Radio: "White Christmas"

The Irving Berlin classic in multiple versions -- like snowflakes, each one different!

2010s Adult Rock

A recap of the best in adult rock of 2010-2019

The Leopard Print Lounge Chair

By radio pro Donna Reed, mellow Classic Rock and laid-back Alternative for de-stressing, relaxing...

Rock Alphabet: "N" is Notorius & Nefarious

From Nazareth and New Order to Night Ranger and Nirvana, the potent noise of "N" never-ending.

Car Tunes

Buckle up for songs with titles that reference cars and trucks and driving! Tracks like "Vehicle"...

Songs of Santa

Our listeners' favorite songs about Saint Nicholas from artists like Eartha Kitt, Harry Connick J...

Holiday Decades: The '10s

A fresh take on celebrating the season with She & Him, CeeLo Green, Justin Bieber, & more with re...

Say My Name

Songs titles that are real names -- no more, no less ("Buddy Holly," yes! "Moves Like Jagger," no...


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